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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Inaguration Circus Cost!

Over the course of the past few years I have steadily grown more concerned with the future world my children will have to live in. Since November that concern has grown to an almost suffocating fear. My prayers at night focus on giving all of this worry to God and trusting that he has a plan and as long as I guide my children in his word they will be protected in his hands. However, I am also aware that Jesus did not just turn the other way when he witnessed the desicration of his fathers holy temple (Matt 21:12) therefore, I will make my voice known as well with the injustice of this world and more specifically this week in the USA. I may not be able to turn over tables and run the robbers out but I can raise my voice!

Four years ago during a time of war when funds should have been directed into means of keeping our men and women safe 40 million dollars was spent on President Bush's inaguration. The media was in an uproar stating that the money could have been spend on vaccinations for third world countries or for humvee's for our soldiers. Certainly I agree that we should not be spending any more money on media circus' and pomp and circumstance for anyone! Why is this absurb amount of cash being wasted on a less than 2 minute swearing in ceremony? Why? Because even though we fought against the British throne we are returning from wence we came!

Now, the 2009 inaguration is set to cost $160 million dollars and the only place on the interenet I could discover this information was from a British news source! The BRITISH are astounded at the cost our tax payers are forking over and they maintain royalty who are suppossed to be excessive!

Why do we not have simple swearing in ceremonies behind closed doors in kind to the Presidential Address, televised for the country. We are talking a savings of tens of millions here. Yes, there would be no huge inaguration balls but if those funds were never spent our national debt would not be SO FAR IN THE RED! McCain wanted to speak so much about pork barrell spending but is saying nothing about this media/celebrity circus taking place in his backyard every four years that costs our country millions of dollars.

How many homeless children right here in this country could have benefited from those funds, donated or otherwise? How many of them could have been given homes and food to eat for nearly the rest of their lives? How much fuel could have been donated to those who are unemployed and can not afford the gas to look for another! The choices are as immense as the bills for these needless ceremonies.

That said I am going to teach my children how to be productive members who can help to change this messed up world! May we someday return to the days of George Washington's inaguration!

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