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Friday, April 17, 2009

Unexpected Blessing

Well it has been a while so I will update my blog with what has been going on since February. I can not possibly tell about everything but I will hit the highlights.

First it turned out that our yearling doe Scarlett was indeed bred. I had written her breeding date correctly in my journal and then crossed it out and written another date, I still have no idea why I did that. So I was a month ahead of schedule but Scarlett was not and she gave birth right on time!

Our first kid was a total suprise obviously and thankfully she kidded in the middle of the afteroon. At the time I was actually "locked" out of the house because there was a wasp inside of which I am terribly afraid of! Since it was about 3 PM and my husband was to be home around 3:45 I decided to sit outside and wait. Well, not too long after I sat down and was talking to a friend on the phone my daughters ran and told me something was wrong with Scarlett. They looked over and they said she had a "bubble" coming out of her backside. I looked over myself, quickly got off the phone and ran inside for my birthing kit. I never saw the wasp but in my hurry I had forgotten about it anyway so it could have been on my shoulder and I would not have paid any attention.

So, by the time I grabbed my kit, scrubbed up and gathered some clean towels the birth was over! It was less than 10 minutes from the time the girls saw the "bubble" and my getting to the field but none the less I missed it. All I was able to do was clean the baby up and administer some nutri drench and put on the cord clamp. Later after the kid began to nurse I also gave her some probios. Scarlett only gave us one kid but she was huge for a Nigerian and beautiful!

The girls said she was a blessing so that became her name. We are retaining her of course because she will always have the honor of being our very first kid and thankfully she was a doeling! It was totally unexpeted and so easy! I was not prepared to not have any complications but it was so glorious to be so pleasantly suprised! The Lord blessed us for sure. I think I was riding a wave of joy for days afterwards. God is so good to bless us with animals, they make every day a new experience, sometimes a joy and sometimes a sorrow but always different and never boring!

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